Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rational choice theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rational choice theory - Essay Example Specifically, rational choice theory also claims that the decision maker knows all the potential alternatives and that s/he makes a decision after evaluating them all (Heath 2001). Decision-making process in organizations can be distinguished as automatic— regular decisions made in accordance to established guiding principles—or non-programmed—choices necessitating new and innovative solutions (White 2006). Furthermore, decisions vary with regard to the level of risk present, ranging from those wherein the results of a decision are fairly definite to those wherein results are considerably indefinite. Indefinite circumstances are communicates as probability statements derived from either subjective or objective facts (Heath 2001). Rational choice theory portrays decision makers as systematically rummaging around appropriate and relevant information to make the best possible decision. This essay will discuss the premises of rational choice theory, its implications on managerial decision making, and the validity of the argument that ‘individuals are rational and normally act as maximizing entrepreneurs’. Rationality is revered in the Western world. A rational choice is one that arises in structured procedures and maximizes a value, regardless if it is marketability, controllability, reliability, efficiency, integrity, or any of numerous other values (Goodin 1998). Observance of any value requires upholding one alternative over another. According to rational choice theory there are major steps to making a rational decision (Allingham 2002). The endeavor is as crucial as the ultimate decision, due to the fact that each step affords an opportunity to re-evaluate the minimized and maximized values (Allingham 2002). The first step is problem definition. This entails identifying key variables under consideration and analyzing the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hypochlorite in Endodontics Essay Example for Free

Hypochlorite in Endodontics Essay Abstract Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) in various concentrations is the most widely used endodontic irrigant, but it can be an irritant to vital tissues. There are several reports about the complications of irrigation with NaOCl during root canal therapy. Most of the complications are the result of accidental extrusion of the solution from the apical foramen or accessory canals or perforations into the periapical area. This article is a review and comparison of all reported NaOCl accidents in the literature. The impetus behind root canal cleaning and shaping is the elimination of tissue remnants, bacteria, and toxins from the root canal system. This is generally accepted to be a major factor in the success of root canal treatment. Mechanical procedures alone are insufficient for total canal cleaning. Residual pulpal tissue, bacteria, and dentin debris may persist in the irregularities of canal systems. Therefore, irrigating solutions should support and complement endodontic preparation. These irrigants should flush out dentin debris, dissolve organic tissue, disinfect the canal system, and provide lubrication during instrumentation, without irritating the surrounding tissues. Some of the irrigants currently used include hydrogen peroxide, physiologic saline, water, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), chlorhexidine, and electrochemically activated water. Because of its physicochemical and antibacterial properties, NaOCl is one of the most popular irrigants. A 0.5% solution of NaOCl was used effectively during World War I to clean contaminated wounds.1 In 1920, Crane described the use of Dakins solution (NaOCl buffered with sodium bicarbonate) for root canal debridement and sterilization. Since then NaOCl has become a popular and effective intracanal irrigant.2 It is an inexpensive, readily available, and easily used chemical that usually rates well in research.3,4 A variety of NaOCl concentrations ranging from 0.5% to 5.25% have been advocated, as well as a variety of temperatures. The longer the solution can remain in contact with tissue, the higher the temperature of the solution, and the higher the concentration, the greater the ability of NaOCl to dissolve the tissue.5-7 The optimum concentration for use clinically is still a matter of controversy. Consequently, the clinician must decide on the concentration and temperature of the NaOCl and the potential consequences of this choice.5,8,9 Advantages of NaOCl The ability of NaOCl to dissolve organic soft tissue of the pulp and predentin is a result of oxidation. The powerful oxidative activity of hypochlorite not only dissolves the pulpal and dentinal tissue but also acts as a potent antimicrobial agent.3 It is well recognized to be effective against a broad range of pathogens: gram-positive and gramnegative bacteria, fungi, spores, and viruses including the human immunodeficiency virus.10 NaOCl, especially when used in high concentrations, is known to be effective in dissolving organic tissue remnants and disinfecting the canal system.4 Effective concentrations of NaOCl range from 2.6% o 5.25%. The dilution of NaOCl was suggested because it has been proved that concentrations over 0.5% are cytotoxic.11 Compared with a chlorhexidine gel, NaOCl not only has a higher capacity to kill microorganisms but is also more able to remove cells from the root canal.12 Water is not effective in removing dentine debris from grooves in the apical portio n of root canals.13 Disadvantages of NaOCl Acute inflammation followed by necrosis results when NaOCl comes into contact with vital tissue. It causes severe inflammation and cellular destruction in all tissues except heavily keratinized epithelium.5 The cytotoxic effect of 5.25% NaOCl on vital tissues, resulting in hemolysis, is well documented, and its use warrants proper care. The clinical efficacy of NaOCl relates to its nonspecific ability to oxidize, hydrolyze, and osmotically draw fluids out of tissues.5 The severity of the reaction depends on the concentration of the solution, its pH, and the duration of exposure. NaOCl has a pH of 11 to 12.5, which causes injury primarily by oxidation of proteins. In high concentrations, severe necrotic changes could be observed.14 The higher concentrations also have some irritating effects on the periodontal ligament.15 One report cites periodontal side effects of NaOCl with lower concentrations.16 However, when confined to the canal space as an intracanal endodontic irrigant, clinic al toxicity of NaOCl is no greater than the clinical toxicity of normal saline solution.6 NaOCl causes vascular permeability in blood vessels, probably as a result of damage to the vessels as well as the release of chemical mediators, such as histamine, from involved tissue. This characteristic causes immediate swelling and often profuse bleeding through the root canal when NaOCl is not used properly as an endodontic irrigant.17 There is only 1 report of hypersensitivity to NaOCl, which can easily be detected by skin patch testing.18 There are reports about the effects of improper use of NaOCl, including inadvertent injection into the maxillary sinus19 or splashing solution into the eyes.20 The extrusion of NaOCl can cause facial nerve weakness in addition to other soft-tissue damage.21 In addition to its toxicity to vital tissues, NaOCl has an unpleasant odor and causes damage if it comes into contact with clothing. 22 There are 2 reports of inadvertently injecting NaOCl instead of anesthetic solution. One resulted in severe palatal tissue necrosis,23 and the second involved edema in the pterygomandibular space and peritonsillar and pharyngeal areas because of mandibular block injection with NaOCl instead of anesthetic solution. In the second case, the patient was admitted to an intensive care unit for probable airway obstruction and given opioid analgesic intravenously for pain reduction.24 Damage to permanent tooth follicles, peripheral tissue, and oral mucosa have been reported during careless NaOCl use in pediatric endodontics. 25 There are only a small number of cases in the literature that have reported postoperative skin complications, long-term paresthesia, and altered nerve sensations arising from the use of NaOCl as an endodontic irrigant.26 There are 23 reported cases of NaOCl accidents in the literature.14,19,21,26-41 Almost all of the cases have similar sequelae including severe pain, edema, and profuse hemorrhage both interstitially and through the tooth. The reports mentioned several days of increasing edema and ecchymosis accompanied by tissue necrosis and paresthesia; in some cases, secondary infections have been observed. Most of the cases had complete resolution within a few weeks but a few were marked by long-term paresthesia or scarring. Remaining residual paresthesia indicates some permanent damage to the nerve endings in the affected area.36 NaOCl Accident Management Proper management of a NaOCl accident is important for achieving the best outcomes. The following lists some important factors for managing a NaOCl accident: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Early recognition of the problem; the patient should be informed of the cause and nature of the accident (Table 2, see end of the article) Immediate irrigation of the canal with normal saline to dilute the NaOCl Allow bleeding response to flush the irritant out of the tissues Reassure patient Provide patient with both verbal and written home care instructions Monitor the patient After the NaOCl accident has been recognized and the patient has been informed, the authors recommend a treatment that focuses on palliative care, including cold and warm compresses, saline rinses, pain control, prophylactic antibiotics, steroid therapy, and monitoring (Table 3). It is important to reassure the patient throughout treatment because of the amount of time it will take for the inflammation to resolve. Avoiding NaOCl Accidents The following steps can help clinicians avoid NaOCl accidents: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Adequate access preparation Good working length control Irrigation needle placed 1 mm to 3 mm short of working length Needle placed passively and not locked in the canal Irrigant expressed into the root canal slowly Constant in and out movements of the irrigating needle into the canal space Flowback of solution as it is expressed into the canal should be observed Use side delivery needles that are specifically designed for endodontic purposes Discussion NaOCl is tissue cytotoxic. When it comes into contact with tissue, it causes hemolysis and ulceration, inhibits neutrophil migration, and damages endothelial and fibroblast cells.14,42 Incorrect determination of working length, lateral perforation, and wedging of the irrigating needle are the most common procedural accidents associated with adverse NaOCl reactions.29 The optimal clinical concentration of NaOCl is still controversial. A 1% concentration of NaOCl provides tissue dissolution and an antimicrobial effect, but the concentration reported in the literature has been as high as 5.25%.43,44 Evidence demonstrates that high concentrations of NaOCl have enhanced antimicrobial activity.45 Irrigation time may increase the antimicrobial effect of endodontic irrigants without affecting the surrounding tissues. It has been found that 0.5% NaOCl had nearly the same bactericidal effect as 5.25% NaOCl when used for 30 minutes.46 After a NaOCl accident, early and aggressive treatment is advocated to reduce potentially serious complications. The use of antibiotics is recommended because there is a possibility of tissue necrosis and infection.47 Steroids also may be useful. Depending on the degree of injury, some cases might require surgical intervention. The aim of any surgical procedure should be to provide decompression and facilitate drainage, and to create an environment conducive to healing. The other advantage of surgery is meticulous debridement of grossly necrotic tissue and direct irrigation of affected sites.25 Conclusion NaOCl is an effective antibacterial agent but can be highly irritating when it comes in contact with vital tissue. Most of the reported complications occurred because of incorrect determination of endodontic working length, iatrogenic widening of the apical foramen, lateral perforation, or wedging of the irrigating needle. If a perforation or open apex exists, then great care should be exercised to prevent a NaOCl accident or an alternative irrigation solution should be considered. Table 2—How to recognize a NaOCl accident †¢ Immediate severe pain (for 2-6 minutes) †¢ Ballooning or immediate edema in adjacent soft tissue because of perfusion to the loose connective tissue †¢ Extension of edema to a large site of the face such as cheeks, peri- orbital region, or lips †¢ Ecchymosis on skin or mucosa as a result of profuse interstitial bleeding †¢ Profuse intraoral bleeding directly from root canal †¢ Chlorine taste or smell because of injected NaOCl to maxillary sinus †¢ Severe initial pain replaced with a constant discomfort or numbness, related to tissue destruction and distension †¢ Reversible or persistent anesthesia †¢ Possibility of secondary infection or spreading of former infection Table 3—How to treat a NaOCl accident †¢ Remain calm and inform the patient about the cause and nature of the complication. †¢ Immediately irrigate with normal saline to decrease the soft-tissue irritation by diluting the NaOCl. †¢ Let the bleeding response continue as it helps to flush the irritant out of the tissues. †¢ Recommend ice bag compresses for 24 hours (15-minute intervals)to minimize swelling. †¢ Recommend warm, moist compresses after 24 hours (15-minute intervals). †¢ Recommend rinsing with normal saline for 1 week to improve circulation to the affected area. †¢ For pain control †¢ Initial control of acute pain could be achieved with anesthetic nerve block. †¢ Acetaminophen-based narcotic analgesics for 3 to 7 days (NSAID analgesic should be avoided to decrease the amount of bleeding into the soft tissues). †¢ Prophylactic antibiotic coverage for 7 to 10 days to prevent secondary infection or spreading of the present infection. †¢ Steroid therapy with methylprednisolone for 2 to 3 days to control inflammatory reaction. †¢ Daily contact to monitor recovery. †¢ In severe cases such as respiratory distress, accessing the local emergency service via 911 is appropriate. †¢ Reassure the patient about the lengthy resolution of the inflammatory reaction. †¢ Provide the patient with both verbal and written home care instructions. †¢ Monitor the patient for pain control, secondary infection, and rea ssurance. References 1. Dakin HD. The use of certain antiseptic substances in treatment of infected wounds. Br Med J. 1915;2:318-320. 2. Crane AB. A Practicable Root Canal Technique. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lea Febiger; 1920:69. 3. Mentz TC. The use of sodium hypochlorite as a general endodontic medicament. Int Endod J. 1982;15:132-136. 4. Ayhan H, Sultan N, Cirak M, et al. Antimicrobial effects of various endodontic irrigants on selected microorganisms. Int Endod J. 1999;32:99-102. 5. Thà © SD, Maltha JC, Plasschaert JM. Reactions of guinea pig subcutaneous connective tissue following exposure to sodium hypochlorite. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1980;49: 460-466. 6. Nakamura H, Asai K, Fujita H, et al. The solvent action of sodium hypochlorite bovine tendon collagen, bovine pulp, and bovine gingiva. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1985;60:322-326. 7. Pashley EL, Bridson NL, Bowman K, et al. Cytotoxic effects of NaOCl on vital tissue. J Endod. 1985;11:525-528. 8. 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Saturday, October 26, 2019

Expressions of Fear in The Red Badge of Courage :: Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The important conflict in The Red Badge of Courage is Henry Fleming's fear about how he will perform in his first battle.   There are three people who expressed their ideas about their fears before the first skirmish.   They are Henry Fleming, Tom Wilson, and Jim Conklin.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Henry is worried about how he will do in this first battle.   He isn't sure if he will run or not, and he is scared that he might.   He doesn't want to look like a fool and run, but he is also scared of getting killed. Even though Henry never expressed his fears to Tom Wilson or Jim Conklin the audience could tell by the expressions on his face that he was scared. While he was writing a letter to his parents he writes about how he is going to fight for the first time and he wants to make the proud.   After Henry runs away from the first battle he feels embarrassed because he didn't have a wound.   No one knew he ran so he still had his pride and after that his attitude changed and he began fighting with no fear.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tom Wilson is another young sodier in the 304th regiment who is called the loud soldier.   When he is in the tent talking to Henry and conklin he talks about how he will not run and take on the whole army on by himself. When he is in the first battle he tries to run but is caught by an officer and made to go back and fight.   His attitude changed from being confident to being scard of fighting.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jim conklin is also a soldier in the 304th regiment who talks with Henry and tom.   When Conklin was talking to Henry and Wilson about how they felt about fighting their first battle, he says that he will run if he sees everyone else running.   He is the only one to admit to everyone that he is scared about fighting.   He is also the only one not to run away from the first battle even though other people were.   When Henry sees him walking in the road after the war he has been shot and is hurt bad.   Jim is afraid of lying in the road and being run ober by the artillery wagons.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Interpersonal communications improvement plan Essay

Problem: I have developed a bad habit of not having confidence in myself at college, in my study habits, and expressing myself. Goal: To improve my self-confidence, I will keep a good self-image. I will imagine myself as a strong, confident and decisive person. I will think and act positively. I plan to learn new study habits. I will be able to speak with my teachers and advisors about my problems. Procedure: First, I will have the confidence to ask for help. Next, I will not waste time, energy and effort by worrying about my weakness and deficits. I will seek help and ask more questions to better myself. I will be more open about my problems. Finally, I will stop worrying about problems and work through them. Test of Achieving Goal: I will know I have achieved this goal, when I become more comfortable asking for help to develop better study habits. The proof will be seen in my test scores and research papers, which will show me that I can improve my grades in college through perseverance. Journal Entry 1 Date: Oct. 4, 2006 Results: I talked to my English teacher about my research paper that is due next week. She helped me with my mistakes. She said it was a good paper overall. Journal Entry 2 Date: Oct. 4, 2006 Results: I talked to my baseball coach and explained my problems with my grades. He wants to help me in any way possible. Journal Entry 3 Date: Oct. 5, 2006 Results: I talked with my advisor. I opened up to him by explaining that I can’t believe my tests scores, after doing so much studying. He led me in directions that should increase the effectiveness of my study habits. He knows that I can do it. Journal Entry 4 Date: Oct. 6, 2006 Results: I emailed all of my teachers. I asked them how to improve my grades. I also requested study tips from them. Journal Entry 5 Date: Oct 7, 2006 Results: I put to use the study tips from Dr. Bommarito. I didn’t get frustrated with all of the information that I needed to learn for my history test. I had to do it, so I did. Journal Entry 6 Date Oct. 8, 2006 Results: I asked my parents to see how my studying was coming along. They asked me questions from flash cards that I made. They were very supportive. They were very happy to see the new methods I have been using. They could see how I was not getting as frustrated while studying and writing research papers. Interpersonal Communications Improvement Summary My original intention was to use confident behavior to improve my study skills, so that I may get better grades. I feel that I accomplished this, even in such a short time. Emailing my teachers was a small step, but I believe it will pay off in the long run. Each time I talked to one of my teachers and coaches, it gave me more confidence to try again. They were all receptive to my needs, and gave me good advice to help improve my grades and my study habits. I would have to say that my biggest concern was asking for help from my parents. However, by the time I talked to my parents, my confidence level was up from my interactions with my teachers and coaches. I do not get as frustrated as I have in the past. I also felt concern over how my coach would view me after I opened up to him. His reaction was very supportive, as were my parents. I now feel a lot of encouragement from the people who are most important to me. It means so much to me that they were all willing to sit down and go over assignments with me and give me many good study tips. I am now more comfortable talking to them because I know they believe in me. I was surprised about how much easier studying has become since applying the tips I have received, especially from Dr. Bommarito. I am anxious to see the results in my improved test scores and research papers. My self-concept has greatly improved. I feel confident that I can get the help I need by just asking for it. I feel confident in my new study skills. I feel confident that I can continue to learn more study skills, and that I can improve my grades by applying what I have learned. This has been a good experience for me overall.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Introduction Speech Guideline

The Day I was Born Speech For your Introduction speech you will present a brief speech on the day you were born. This speech is meant to be an icebreaker and is your time to introduce yourself to your fellow classmates and me. Do some research and find out a few interesting pieces about the day you were born. If you cannot find anything you would like to use on the exact day, you may expand out to the week, month, or year. Please try to stay within the year though.Your speech should focus on 2-4 specific topics such as a lattice event, a natural disaster, a musical group, a technological achievement, another moment in history, etc. (keep in mind the time limit). Use the library resources tab on Blackboard to help you with your research. Skills focus: Show ability to do minor research and effectively present Ideas at an introductory level. Formal Introduction to course concepts will come with future class lectures, and practice of these concepts will come with future formal speeches. Grading: This speech is worth 25 points.You may earn up to 15 points for the actual speech and up to 10 points for your research worksheet and works cited. Requirements: 0 2 minute extemporaneous presentation (e. G. Meaning prepared from note cards). DO NOT manuscript your speech (write it out word-for-word). You are allowed a 30 second buffer on either end; beyond that, there is a 2 point loss. 0 Complete the research worksheet (attached) and use it as a guide to help you. C] Works Cited page (Pick MEAL or PAP, but be consistent) – this should only include the actual citations you use In your speech. See BlackBoard under Documents/Websites for formatting help.Q Minimum of 3 sources of your choice; please note, Walked does not count as a source. Make sure you are checking the credibility of your sources, as well (we will cover this more in chapter 7). You may use someone you interview as one of your sources. Please note it is ALWAYS important to orally cite your sources throu ghout your speech – see BlackBoard for handout (we will cover this more in chapter 7). 0 No more than 3 one-sided EX. note cards (or equivalent). Visual aids are not required for this speech. Ã'Ëœ You will need a brief introduction that leads into the 2-4 items that you chose to tell us about, followed by a brief conclusion.Be creative. Here Is a sample introduction: 0 I was born In the spring of 1 974, April 24th to be exact. I share my birthday with Barbara Strained, Cedi the Entertainer, novelist Sue Grafton, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. It was a year of Impeachments, atomic scares, and kidnapped millionaires. But on the warm spring afternoon I was born, political turmoil was the order of the day. (category) order. See the index of your textbook to find more information on these organizational patterns. Fox While you will not have a lot of time to go into great detail, pick a few things that you can expand on in your speech although briefly.Practice in front of a clock or timer to be sure you are speaking for roughly 2 minutes. Please Note: This is Just an ice-breaker speech to get you into the speech presentation mode. This is meant to introduce you to what is expected (in a more polished manner) in future speeches. Make sure to email me or see me in person if you have any questions or need any help. The Learning Assistance Center located in the University Center 170 is available to assist you. Good luck and have fun with this speech! Name: Research Worksheet What day was I born? Who might I interview to find out more about the day I was born? 1 . 2.What are three very specific questions I would ask about the day I was born? 1 . 3. What resources might I use to find out information about the day I was born aside from interviews? I have provided three; list three others that you use (or may use) in your research efforts. 1 . Facts on File: World News Digest – you can access this through Steely Library online. 2. Time Magazine – you can access this through Steely Library online or in person. 3. The New York Times – you can access through Steely Library online or in person. 4. 5. 6. What are three things that I found in my research that are interesting enough to mention in my speech?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Grandmas Light Bread †Theology Essay

Grandmas Light Bread – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers Grandma’s Light Bread Theology Essay Grandma’s light bread would melt in your mouth. In the 1950’s, rural electric had not yet reached our part of the countryside. As kerosene lamps gave a golden glow in the kitchen, I’d watch grandma mix and kneed the bread dough, put it in pans, and then set them aside to rise overnight. At daybreak she would fire up the wood cook stove and bake the bread until the top crust was shining and golden. I could hardly wait for a couple of slices of grandma’s light bread spread with home churned butter and, perhaps, a spoon of wild comb honey or a dollop of blackberry jelly. Those were the days when bread was bread. Grandma would occasionally make Hot Cross Buns with a cross on the top of each one. I later discovered that during Lent or Easter many English women would put a cross on buns made with cinnamon or spices to remind them of Jesus’ death on the cross. I remember learning to play the flute-phone (now called a recorder) while in grade school. One of the songs that we learned to play was entitled â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†. If the ACLU had been around or known of the significance of those â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†, I imagine that they would have had a fit. They, like many others, despise the cross. One day Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people with only five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. There were 12 baskets of bread left over. I would have liked to have had a piece of that bread that was blessed by Jesus. (John 6:1-15) Not long afterwards a crowd of people sought out Jesus. They asked, â€Å"What will you do for us? After all, our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed in the wilderness! As the scriptures say, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ â€Å"Jesus answered, â€Å"I assure you, Moses didn’t give them bread from heaven. My Father did. And now he offers you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world’† (John 6:30-35). Bread is called the â€Å"Staff of Life†. Good whole grained bread is a building block to a healthy body. The Bread of Life is indispensable for eternal, spiritual life. Let’s consider three aspects of the Bread of Life. First – It is WONDER BREAD! Jesus declared, â€Å"I am the bread of life . . . No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again† (John 6:35-36). There is a soul hunger in all of us. Only Jesus can satisfy that soul hunger. Do you feel empty – that there is something lacking in your life? Someone once gave me a business card that read, â€Å"If you don’t like the way the cookie crumbles – Try the Bread of Life – Jesus.† Jesus is the true Wonder Bread. Isaiah prophesied, â€Å"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us . . . And he will be called ‘Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’† (Isaiah 9:6). My grandmother cannot give me anymore of her wonderful light bread. She is dead. Moses is dead. But Jesus – the Bread of Life – is alive! He arose victorious over death, hell, and the grave. Jesus says, â€Å"I am the true bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate manna.† We eat the true Bread of Life by receiving him and His sacrifice on the cross by faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Second – THE WILL OF GOD is true bread. One day Jesus sat down by a well of water in Samaria. The disciples went into the village to buy bread for lunch. Jesus ministered to a woman who was soul hungry and thirsty. (John 4) When the disciples returned, they offered Jesus some food to eat. But he told them that he had already eaten. The disciples were puzzled. Jesus said, â€Å"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.† There is soul satisfaction and spiritual nourishment in doing God’s will. Jesus said, â€Å"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me and not to do what I want . . . For it is my Father’s will that all who see His Son and believe in Him should have eternal life† (John 6:38-40). Do you seek God’s will as your daily bread? Third – THE WORD OF GOD is bread indeed. At the Temptation of Christ, Jesus answered Satan, â€Å"It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God† (Matthew 4:4). (Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55) True nourishment comes from feasting on the living Word of God and on Jesus and His sacrifice. â€Å"This bread is my flesh offered so the world may live† (John 6:50-51). My grandma’s light bread was only temporal. Jesus the Bread of Life gives eternal life and real nourishment and satisfaction. Feast on Him today. â€Å"But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name† (John 1:12). Grandma’s Light Bread Grandma’s light bread would melt in your mouth. In the 1950’s, rural electric had not yet reached our part of the countryside. As kerosene lamps gave a golden glow in the kitchen, I’d watch grandma mix and kneed the bread dough, put it in pans, and then set them aside to rise overnight. At daybreak she would fire up the wood cook stove and bake the bread until the top crust was shining and golden. I could hardly wait for a couple of slices of grandma’s light bread spread with home churned butter and, perhaps, a spoon of wild comb honey or a dollop of blackberry jelly. Those were the days when bread was bread. Grandma would occasionally make Hot Cross Buns with a cross on the top of each one. I later discovered that during Lent or Easter many English women would put a cross on buns made with cinnamon or spices to remind them of Jesus’ death on the cross. I remember learning to play the flute-phone (now called a recorder) while in grade school. One of the songs that we learned to play was entitled â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†. If the ACLU had been around or known of the significance of those â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†, I imagine that they would have had a fit. They, like many others, despise the cross. One day Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people with only five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. There were 12 baskets of bread left over. I would have liked to have had a piece of that bread that was blessed by Jesus. (John 6:1-15) Not long afterwards a crowd of people sought out Jesus. They asked, â€Å"What will you do for us? After all, our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed in the wilderness! As the scriptures say, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ â€Å"Jesus answered, â€Å"I assure you, Moses didn’t give them bread from heaven. My Father did. And now he offers you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world’† (John 6:30-35). Bread is called the â€Å"Staff of Life†. Good whole grained bread is a building block to a healthy body. The Bread of Life is indispensable for eternal, spiritual life. Let’s consider three aspects of the Bread of Life. First – It is WONDER BREAD! Jesus declared, â€Å"I am the bread of life . . . No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again† (John 6:35-36). There is a soul hunger in all of us. Only Jesus can satisfy that soul hunger. Do you feel empty – that there is something lacking in your life? Someone once gave me a business card that read, â€Å"If you don’t like the way the cookie crumbles – Try the Bread of Life – Jesus.† Jesus is the true Wonder Bread. Isaiah prophesied, â€Å"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us . . . And he will be called ‘Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’† (Isaiah 9:6). My grandmother cannot give me anymore of her wonderful light bread. She is dead. Moses is dead. But Jesus – the Bread of Life – is alive! He arose victorious over death, hell, and the grave. Jesus says, â€Å"I am the true bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate manna.† We eat the true Bread of Life by receiving him and His sacrifice on the cross by faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Second – THE WILL OF GOD is true bread. One day Jesus sat down by a well of water in Samaria. The disciples went into the village to buy bread for lunch. Jesus ministered to a woman who was soul hungry and thirsty. (John 4) When the disciples returned, they offered Jesus some food to eat. But he told them that he had already eaten. The disciples were puzzled. Jesus said, â€Å"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.† There is soul satisfaction and spiritual nourishment in doing God’s will. Jesus said, â€Å"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me and not to do what I want . . . For it is my Father’s will that all who see His Son and believe in Him should have eternal life† (John 6:38-40). Do you seek God’s will as your daily bread? Third – THE WORD OF GOD is bread indeed. At the Temptation of Christ, Jesus answered Satan, â€Å"It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God† (Matthew 4:4). (Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55) True nourishment comes from feasting on the living Word of God and on Jesus and His sacrifice. â€Å"This bread is my flesh offered so the world may live† (John 6:50-51). My grandma’s light bread was only temporal. Jesus the Bread of Life gives eternal life and real nourishment and satisfaction. Feast on Him today. â€Å"But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name† (John 1:12). Grandma’s Light Bread Grandma’s light bread would melt in your mouth. In the 1950’s, rural electric had not yet reached our part of the countryside. As kerosene lamps gave a golden glow in the kitchen, I’d watch grandma mix and kneed the bread dough, put it in pans, and then set them aside to rise overnight. At daybreak she would fire up the wood cook stove and bake the bread until the top crust was shining and golden. I could hardly wait for a couple of slices of grandma’s light bread spread with home churned butter and, perhaps, a spoon of wild comb honey or a dollop of blackberry jelly. Those were the days when bread was bread. Grandma would occasionally make Hot Cross Buns with a cross on the top of each one. I later discovered that during Lent or Easter many English women would put a cross on buns made with cinnamon or spices to remind them of Jesus’ death on the cross. I remember learning to play the flute-phone (now called a recorder) while in grade school. One of the songs that we learned to play was entitled â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†. If the ACLU had been around or known of the significance of those â€Å"Hot Cross Buns†, I imagine that they would have had a fit. They, like many others, despise the cross. One day Jesus miraculously fed over 5,000 people with only five barley loaves of bread and two small fish. There were 12 baskets of bread left over. I would have liked to have had a piece of that bread that was blessed by Jesus. (John 6:1-15) Not long afterwards a crowd of people sought out Jesus. They asked, â€Å"What will you do for us? After all, our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed in the wilderness! As the scriptures say, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ â€Å"Jesus answered, â€Å"I assure you, Moses didn’t give them bread from heaven. My Father did. And now he offers you the true bread from heaven. The bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world’† (John 6:30-35). Bread is called the â€Å"Staff of Life†. Good whole grained bread is a building block to a healthy body. The Bread of Life is indispensable for eternal, spiritual life. Let’s consider three aspects of the Bread of Life. First – It is WONDER BREAD! Jesus declared, â€Å"I am the bread of life . . . No one who comes to me will ever be hungry again† (John 6:35-36). There is a soul hunger in all of us. Only Jesus can satisfy that soul hunger. Do you feel empty – that there is something lacking in your life? Someone once gave me a business card that read, â€Å"If you don’t like the way the cookie crumbles – Try the Bread of Life – Jesus.† Jesus is the true Wonder Bread. Isaiah prophesied, â€Å"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us . . . And he will be called ‘Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’† (Isaiah 9:6). My grandmother cannot give me anymore of her wonderful light bread. She is dead. Moses is dead. But Jesus – the Bread of Life – is alive! He arose victorious over death, hell, and the grave. Jesus says, â€Å"I am the true bread from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever and not die as your ancestors did, even though they ate manna.† We eat the true Bread of Life by receiving him and His sacrifice on the cross by faith. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Second – THE WILL OF GOD is true bread. One day Jesus sat down by a well of water in Samaria. The disciples went into the village to buy bread for lunch. Jesus ministered to a woman who was soul hungry and thirsty. (John 4) When the disciples returned, they offered Jesus some food to eat. But he told them that he had already eaten. The disciples were puzzled. Jesus said, â€Å"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.† There is soul satisfaction and spiritual nourishment in doing God’s will. Jesus said, â€Å"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me and not to do what I want . . . For it is my Father’s will that all who see His Son and believe in Him should have eternal life† (John 6:38-40). Do you seek God’s will as your daily bread? Third – THE WORD OF GOD is bread indeed. At the Temptation of Christ, Jesus answered Satan, â€Å"It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God† (Matthew 4:4). (Deuteronomy 8:3; Isaiah 55) True nourishment comes from feasting on the living Word of God and on Jesus and His sacrifice. â€Å"This bread is my flesh offered so the world may live† (John 6:50-51). My grandma’s light bread was only temporal. Jesus the Bread of Life gives eternal life and real nourishment and satisfaction. Feast on Him today. â€Å"But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name† (John 1:12). Research Papers on Grandma’s Light Bread - Theology EssayComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoQuebec and CanadaThe Spring and AutumnHip-Hop is ArtStandardized TestingHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonMind TravelArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Genetic Engineering

Monday, October 21, 2019

Biography of Mata Hari, Infamous World War I Spy

Biography of Mata Hari, Infamous World War I Spy Mata Hari (August 7, 1876–October 15, 1917) was a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan who was arrested by the French and executed for espionage during World War I. After her death, her stage name Mata Hari became synonymous with spying and espionage. Fast Facts: Mata Hari Known For: Working as a  spy  for  Germany  during  World War IAlso Known As: Margaretha Geertruida Zelle; Lady MacLeodBorn: August 7, 1876 in Leeuwarden,  The NetherlandsParents: Adam Zelle, Antje van der MeulenDied: October 15, 1917 in Paris,  FranceSpouse: Rudolf John MacLeod (m.  1895- 1906)Children: Norman-John MacLeod, Louise Jeanne MacLeodNotable Quote: Death is nothing, nor life either, for that matter. To die, to sleep, to pass into nothingness, what does it matter? Everything is an illusion. Early Life Mata Hari was born Margaretha Geertruida Zelle in Leeuwarden, Netherlands, on August 7, 1876, as the first of four children. Zelles father was a hat maker by trade, but having invested well in oil, he had enough money to spoil his only daughter. At only 6 years old, Zelle became the talk of the town when she traveled in a goat-drawn carriage that her father had given her. In school, Zelle was known to be flamboyant, often appearing in new, flashy dresses. However, Zelles world changed drastically when her family went bankrupt in 1889 and her mother died two years later. Family Breakup After her mothers death, the Zelle family was split up and Zelle, now 15, was sent to Sneek to live with her godfather, Mr. Visser. Visser decided to send Zelle to a school that trained kindergarten teachers so that shed have a career. At the school, the headmaster Wybrandus Haanstra became enchanted by Zelle and pursued her. When a scandal broke out, Zelle was asked to leave the school, so she went to live with her uncle, Mr. Taconis, in The Hague. Marriage  and Divorce In March 1895, while still staying with her uncle, 18-year-old Zelle became engaged to Rudolph John MacLeod after answering a personal ad in the newspaper. (The ad had been placed as a joke by MacLeods friend.) MacLeod was a 38-year-old officer on home leave from the Dutch East Indies, where he had been stationed for 16 years. On July 11, 1895, the two were married. They spent much of their married life living in the tropics of Indonesia where money was tight, isolation was difficult, and Johns rudeness and Zelles youth caused serious friction in their marriage. Zelle and John had two children together, Norman-John MacLeod and Louise Jeanne MacLeod. Both children became quite ill in June 1899. Norman-John died at age 2, but Louise Jeanne survived and lived until 1919. Zelle and John suspected the children may have been poisoned by a disgruntled servant. In 1902, the couple moved back to The Netherlands and soon separated. Their divorce became final in 1906. Off to Paris Zelle decided to go to Paris for a new start. Without a husband, career, and money, Zelle used her experiences in Indonesia to create a new persona, one who donned jewels, smelled of perfume, spoke occasionally in Malay, danced seductively, and often wore very few clothes. She made her dancing debut in a salon and instantaneously became a success. When reporters and others interviewed her, Zelle continually added to the mystique that surrounded her by spinning fantastic, fictionalized stories about her background, including being a Javanese princess and daughter of a baron. To sound more exotic, she took the stage name Mata Hari, Malayan for eye of the day (the sun). Famous Dancer and Courtesan Zelle became famous. All things oriental were in fashion in Paris, and Zelles exotic looks added to her mystique. Zelle danced at both private salons and later at large theaters. She danced at ballets and operas. She was invited to large parties and traveled extensively. She also took a number of lovers (often military men from various countries) who were willing to provide her financial support in exchange for her company. Espionage, Capture, and Execution Zelle was no longer a sleek dancer when in 1916 she started to spy for France during World War I. She was actually 40 years old at the time, and her time as a dancer was long behind her. She fell in love with a Russian captain, Vladimir de Masloff, who was sent to the front and became injured. Zelle wanted to support him financially, so she accepted an offer to spy for France in mid-1916. France thought her courtesan contacts would be of use to its intelligence operation. She began to meet with German contacts. She provided the French with little useful information and may have begun to work for Germany as a double agent. The French eventually intercepted a German cable that named a spy code-named H-21, clearly a code name for Mata Hari. The French became convinced that she was a spy and arrested her on Feb. 13, 1917. She was accused of spying for Germany, causing the deaths of at least 50,000 soldiers, and was put on trial in July 1917. After a short trial conducted in private in front of a military court, she was found guilty of spying for Germany and sentenced to death by firing squad. The French executed Zelle on Oct. 15, 1917. She was 41 years old. Legacy During World War I, Zelles frequent traveling across international borders and her varied companions caused several countries to wonder if she was a spy or even a double-agent. Many people who met her say that she was sociable but just not smart enough to pull off such a feat. The notion that Zelle was an exotic dancer who used her powers of seduction to extract military secrets was false. She was years past her prime as a dancer by the time she agreed to serve as a spy for France- and possibly for Germany. Zelle maintained her innocence up until the time of her death. Sources Shipman, Pat. â€Å"Why Mata Hari Wasnt a Cunning Spy After All.†Ã‚  The History Behind the Killing of Mata Hari, 14 Oct. 2017.â€Å"Mata Hari.†Ã‚, AE Networks Television, 19 Apr. 2019.The Execution of Mata Hari, 1917.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Italian Phrases for Staying at a Hotel in Italy

Italian Phrases for Staying at a Hotel in Italy When you visit Italy, there are a variety of options for accommodation. If you’re looking for something that’s more standard, a hotel room might be the best fit for you. But if you want a more authentic experience, you could choose to stay in a hostel, rent a room in someone’s home, book an entire apartment for yourself, or stay in something more unique like an . No matter what you choose, you’re going to need  phrases  along with important vocabulary. Phrases C’à ¨ qualcosa di pià ¹ economico? - Is there anything cheaper?Il prezzo include la colazione? - Does the price include breakfast?Qual à ¨ la password per il WiFi? - What is the WiFi password?Ho perso la chiave. - I lost my key.Mi sono chiuso/a fuori dalla camera. - I’m locked out of my room.La luce non funziona. - The light isn’t working.Non c’à ¨ acqua calda. - There is no hot water.La camera à ¨ troppo (fredda). - The room is too (cold).Mi d la ricevuta, per favore? - Can you give me a receipt, please?Possiamo lasciare i bagagli fino alle (due)? - Can we leave our bags here until (2PM)?Mi puà ² procurare un taxi per andare all’aeroporto, per favore? - Can you organize a taxi for going to the airport, please?Avete...? - Do you have...? Vocabulary L’Internet - InternetLa cucina - KitchenLa lavanderia - LaundryIl telefono - TelephoneGli asciugamani - TowelsIl sapone - SoapLa carta igienica - Toilet paperUn’altra coperta - Another blanketLe lenzuola pulite - Clean sheetsLa TV - TelevisionIl telecomando - RemoteLa piscina - PoolL’aria condizionata - Air conditioningIl servizio in camera - Room serviceFare check-in - To check inFare check-out - To check outPrenotare - To bookLa camera - RoomLa camera doppia - Double roomIl letto matrimoniale - Double bedIl passaporto - PassportIl piano - FloorLe valigie - Suitcases / baggageGli ospiti - Guests Tip: It’s more likely that you’ll hear â€Å"i documenti - documents† instead of â€Å"il passaporto - passport.† Dialogue You: Buongiorno, abbiamo prenotato una camera doppia per stanotte. - Hello, we booked a double room for tonight.Clerk: Il suo nome, prego? - Your name, please?You: Giulia Mazzini.Clerk: Per due notti, vero? - For two nights, right?You: Sà ¬. - Yes.Clerk: Il totale à ¨ settantacinque euro. - The total is 75 euro.You: Possiamo pagare con la carta di credito? - Can we pay by credit card?Clerk: Sà ¬, certo. Posso vedere i vostri passaporti? - Yes, absolutely. Can I see your passports?You: Sà ¬, ecco. - Yes. Here they are.Clerk: Ecco la chiave, la vostra camera à ¨ la numero 215 al secondo piano. - Here is the key, your room number is (215) on the (2nd) floor.You: A che ora (si deve)/dobbiamo lasciare libera la camera? - What time is check-out?Clerk: Alle 11. - At 11 am.You: Grazie! - Thanks!Clerk: Potete usare l’ascensore là ¬ in fondo. - You (all) can use the elevator there at the end (of the hall). Phrases for an Apartment If you book privately, the landlord may request that you send a â€Å"bonifico - deposit† via wire transfer. In order to do this, collect the IBAN number (cod IBAN) and the BIC number (cod BIC). The â€Å"bonifico† may be anywhere between 30-50% of the price. Finally, tourist season is April - October, so if you plan on visiting during that time, particularly in a more populated area, like Firenze, be sure to book 6-7 months in advance. Come funziona la lavatrice? - How does the washer work?C’à ¨ un ferro da stiro? - Is there an iron?Il gas à ¨ aperto? - Is the gas on? Tip: You’ll need to know how to ask about the gas because you won’t be able to cook using the stove unless the gas switch is open or turned on.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

How Industrialization is Evaluated in Relation to the Industrial Assignment

How Industrialization is Evaluated in Relation to the Industrial Worker - Assignment Example Elizabeth Poole Sanford the middle class women were also affected by industrialization. The wealth and position of this women rose in a changing economic environment. An excerpt from Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character (1842), written by Mrs. John Sanford can draw arguments on how industrialization should be evaluated from a woman’s perspective. The excerpt considers the woman’s ideal function in relation to her husband. The debate in this case can revolve around the superstition that men have towards women and work, the role of a husband in relation to his wife. With industrialization and women trying to work would mean that she would become independent which was not the case before industrialization. In the excerpt â€Å"a really sensible woman feels her dependence, she does what she can; but she is conscious of inferiority and therefore grateful for support†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The debate would therefore be narrowed down to the power of woman in the arena of industri alization. Ch. 23, Q.2Conservatism and liberalism was characterized by the many political developments that occurred during the period when there was numerous eruption of revolution in Europe. Romanticism was the most important of these reflecting in different ways, both conservatism and liberalism. . Romanticism rejected the formalism of the previously dominant classical style and it didn’t limit itself to the enlightenment rationalism or the stark realism of everyday life, and emphasized emotion and freedom.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Importance of the Physician in the Generic and Trade-name Article

The Importance of the Physician in the Generic and Trade-name Prescription Decision - Article Example The time frame and period analyzed in the whole article ranges between 1984 and 1996. This is evident during the introduction of generics in 1984, when all firms that wanted to market, a post-patent expiration generic had to show the efficacy and safety of the drug through tests to the Food and Drug Administration. In the course of time, the Congress implemented the permissive substitution laws in an effort to encourage the use of generic drugs. In addition, the research shows that in 1996, information from IMS America Inc. showed that managed care payments such as private managed care as HMOS AND Medicaid HMOs amounted for over 505 of dollar revenues for pharmaceutical retail sales (Hellerstein, 109). The data sources used in the analysis involve information from a survey of physicians, their patients, and drugs prescribed. In this case, physicians use patient by patient basis to test whether physicians prescribe generics to patients who are not covered by insurance and the effects of state legislation on generic prescription (Hellerstein, 109). The main findings of the whole research show that physicians are important agents in prescription decisions. Therefore, identifying the sources of heterogeneity in behavior across physicians is an integral factor of understanding how the markets for prescription drugs operate. Individuals learn how physicians behavior whenever they have different information and incentives in the areas of specialization. The new information learned from the article indicates that changes are still occurring among physicians through the continued growth of managed care due to increase in market share of generic drugs. At the same time, there probabilities that emphasis on cost containment in Health Maintenance Organizations may cause price differential between a trade name and generic drugs since there are existing negotiations with manufacturers on price discounts.

The Theme of Emancipation in A Doll's House & Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Essay

The Theme of Emancipation in A Doll's House & Girl by Jamaica Kincaid - Essay Example Both arms of the scale are equally important to strike the correct balance. Imbalance leads to many problems. Ibsen in â€Å"A Doll’s House† develops a powerful theme—that of emancipation of a woman. What can a doll do? It will be controlled by the string to which it is attached. It has no free movements of its own. That is the type of married life Nora and Torvald live. Nora’s submissiveness to him is seen in every aspect of her life; she is indeed the doll with human physical equipment (body) Forget the movements, even her thoughts are controlled by Torvald. A puppet has no existence of its own, and is totally dependent in its master as to what he will do with her. When Nora learns tarantella, the absolute controlling aspect becomes obvious. Out of sheer submission (and perhaps hidden fear in the mind) Nora pretends that she heeds him to relearn the dance and its each move. Torvald treats Nora like a sex object to be enjoyed at will. He takes her sexual submission for granted and as a matter of right for the husband. After he completes the session of teaching her tarantella dance, Torvald with the urge that reveals his craving for her body says, when she was gyrating, his blood was pounding and obviously he had strong urge for sex. He was constantly observing her physical assets and didn’t care much about her emotions. Nora was in no mood to respond and asked him to go away. Torvald reminded her that he was her husband. This adamancy on the part of Torvald indicates that as a husband he has the right to demand physical pleasure from his wife, at will! Torvald has poor opinion about Nora; he treats her like a child or a slave. She doesn’t have the freedom to spend the money which Torvald gives her on rare occasions. The following conversation reveals the essential gap in their mindset, when Torvald asks her whether she wants anything from him. Henrik Ibsen (2005, p.13) writes, â€Å"Nora :( speaking quickly) You might give me some money, Torvald. Only just as much as you can afford; and then one of these days, I will buy something with it. Torvald: But, Nora†¦. Nora: Oh, do! Dear Torvald; please do! Then I will wrap it up in beautiful gilt paper and hang it on the Christmas Tree. Won’t that be fun?†Torvald thinks that she would spend the money on children goods like candy and pastry. She has a fixed duty schedule of caring for the children, remain engaged in routine household work, and work on her needlepoint. She performs all her assigned duties, the main objective of which is to please Torvald. The issues raised in A Doll’s House by Ibsen, concern not a solitary case of Nora vs. Torvald, but the entire womenfolk of the Victorian Society. There were restrictions around women in every facet of their life. A Doll’s House is not the story of a House, but how the House assumes the form of the prison for the women. They have no freedom of free thinking and their mind is fettered. Nora was treated like a child by her father as well--that was the structure of the society as for the treatment for women! Her husband later dutifully took over the role of dominance. At every stage of life the growth of the women was curtailed. In many societies and in many households, the position of women, even today is comparable to the status of Nora. Even in some advanced countries, her position is equal as per the provisions of the Constitution only—the society still treats her as unequal with antiquated social views regarding women. It is a case of double fault. Women are inclined to use their feminine charm to secure what they want from men and remain satisfied at that level. This is the mindset that one sees in A Doll’s House. Men like Torvald are concerned about the controlling aspect and exercise

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Spiritual Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Spiritual Needs - Essay Example Questionnaire has been developed as the tool for assessment; ten questions had been formulated in order to explore her spiritual need, to which she made sufficient and sensible answers. After the research process, her needs were defined and determined, in order to provide her with the best possible environment for her convalescence. Spiritual need assessment in nursing profession refers to the estimation of the religious and spiritual requirements of the according to the faith followed by the patient(s) under treatment, in order to provide them with spiritual relief and comforts along with counseling, medicines, therapy and other necessary healthcare essential for their convalescence and recovery from mental or physical illness. Cobb & Robshaw (1998: 7) are of the view that spiritual and emotional collapse look for spiritual care, so that the patients may choose to discuss their concerns provided they have been shown proper attention, respect and appreciation. Spiritual assessment to ol is not confined to the followers of one particular religious faith; on the contrary, the same could be applied to the individuals adhering to any belief system. The researches reveal that exploration of spiritual distress and anxiety the reason behind it could turn out to be supportive health care providers in understanding the problem of the patient. In addition, it can also become productive for ensuring the smooth progress of personal and spiritual growth essential in respect of paving the way towards the better care of the patient by the healthcare providers (Burkhardt & Nagai-Jacobson, 2002: 22). Consequently, spiritual need assessment provides a superior methodology for the elimination of emotional distress and emotional collapse from the mind of the patient. While elaborating the case under-analysis, the patient was admitted at the healthcare center because of her emotional trauma and her chronic asthma complaint. In the beginning, the patient remained reserved and silent, and did not share anything with the staff. Somehow, after nearly seven hours of her admittance, she looked quite moved because of the extreme compassion and care provided by the staff members. Since the patient appeared to be ready for sharing her life and faith she follows, it became quite easier for the staff to peep into her mind, and explore her personality. Thus, every thing, related to research went well, in the light of the questionnaire, developed for the same purpose, and there was no main hurdle in making assessment of her spiritual needs altogether. Actually I have already examined the flaws in the questionnaire while asking the answers of the questions from my family members in order to make it perfect. I would like to apply interview-schedule in future, as it is more comprehensive in understanding the motifs of the respondents with the help of gestures, body language, voice tone and face expressions. The patient’s non-compliance and fear of expressing her belief was the challenge for me during the research. Somehow, a friendly environment encouraged her to share her feelings with me. Since I am Protestant, so only lack of knowledge about only few things created hurdles for me, though my study of Catholic belief and interaction with my Catholic friends helped me out in development of research too. The patient informed me that she belonged to Catholic faith, and maintained deep love for and unflinching faith in Holy Jesus Christ. I came to know about the very fact that faith contained imperative significance for her, as it not only provided peace,


COMPARE THE UNITED STATES BILL OF RIGHTS TO THE ENGLISH MAGNA CARTA OF 1215 - Term Paper Example The second amendment is the right to keep and bear arms. This amendment guarantees citizens the freedom to protect their life against oppression of the government by keeping arms (Burgan 38). The third amendment states the conditions for quarters of soldiers. These conditions state that citizens cannot be forced to have soldiers enter their houses whether during war or during peace (Burgan 39). The fourth amendment is the right of regulated search and seizure. This amendment guarantees citizens the right to have their places and possessions searched or seized only against a warrant issued under due cause (Burgan 39). The Fifth Amendment concerns provisions concerning prosecution. This means that the citizens cannot be prosecuted unless a Grand Jury finds it legitimate to do so. Citizens should also not be compelled to testify against themselves (Burgan 39). The sixth amendment secures citizens the right to a speedy public trial by a jury that is unbiased. The citizen should have the opportunity to see the witness of the prosecution and to present his own witnesses (Burgan 40). The seventh amendment guarantees citizens involved in suits where the value exceeds twenty dollars a trial by a jury (Burgan 41). The eighth amendment protects US citizens against unnecessarily large amounts for bail, expensive fines or cruel punishment (Burgan 41). The ninth amendment protects citizens’ rights against other rights specified in the Constitution (Burgan 41). The tenth amendment protects citizens against the federal government by only giving it rights specifically mentioned in the Constitution (Burgan 41). 2. The Magna Carta of 1215 was an important charter signed by King John of England on 15 June 1215 after barons who had become dissatisfied with the king’s exploitative form of governance and exorbitant taxes had besieged him in his palace at Windsor (Drew 139). The Magna Charter is important because it restricted the absolute powers of the king and helped t o make the parliament more powerful. Primarily, the charter was intended to modify the feudal relationships between the king and the barons in the kingdom but down the centuries the terms of the charter and the freedoms granted to citizens under it have become a cornerstone for citizens’ rights and freedoms around the world. The document became the basis of the constitutional form of government (Drew 139). Originally, the Magna Carta contained 37 laws but most of these have been lost over the centuries. The most important of the laws that is in existence today is the freedom of citizens to be protected against forcible imprisonment or possession of property by the government. Among other freedoms guaranteed by the Magna Carta were the independence of the Church and its protection against interference of any kind from the king. The Magna Carta also transferred the right to impose taxes to the parliament. Citizens were also given the right to due process and protection from arb itrary punishment and seizure (Drew 139). 3. The Magna Carta of 1215 was written by Archbishop Stephen Langton of Canterbury and was signed by King John. It was originally called Articles of the Barons. The document was signed under pressure from the feudal barons who had united against the oppressive governance of the king (Drew 139). The Bill of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Spiritual Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Spiritual Needs - Essay Example Questionnaire has been developed as the tool for assessment; ten questions had been formulated in order to explore her spiritual need, to which she made sufficient and sensible answers. After the research process, her needs were defined and determined, in order to provide her with the best possible environment for her convalescence. Spiritual need assessment in nursing profession refers to the estimation of the religious and spiritual requirements of the according to the faith followed by the patient(s) under treatment, in order to provide them with spiritual relief and comforts along with counseling, medicines, therapy and other necessary healthcare essential for their convalescence and recovery from mental or physical illness. Cobb & Robshaw (1998: 7) are of the view that spiritual and emotional collapse look for spiritual care, so that the patients may choose to discuss their concerns provided they have been shown proper attention, respect and appreciation. Spiritual assessment to ol is not confined to the followers of one particular religious faith; on the contrary, the same could be applied to the individuals adhering to any belief system. The researches reveal that exploration of spiritual distress and anxiety the reason behind it could turn out to be supportive health care providers in understanding the problem of the patient. In addition, it can also become productive for ensuring the smooth progress of personal and spiritual growth essential in respect of paving the way towards the better care of the patient by the healthcare providers (Burkhardt & Nagai-Jacobson, 2002: 22). Consequently, spiritual need assessment provides a superior methodology for the elimination of emotional distress and emotional collapse from the mind of the patient. While elaborating the case under-analysis, the patient was admitted at the healthcare center because of her emotional trauma and her chronic asthma complaint. In the beginning, the patient remained reserved and silent, and did not share anything with the staff. Somehow, after nearly seven hours of her admittance, she looked quite moved because of the extreme compassion and care provided by the staff members. Since the patient appeared to be ready for sharing her life and faith she follows, it became quite easier for the staff to peep into her mind, and explore her personality. Thus, every thing, related to research went well, in the light of the questionnaire, developed for the same purpose, and there was no main hurdle in making assessment of her spiritual needs altogether. Actually I have already examined the flaws in the questionnaire while asking the answers of the questions from my family members in order to make it perfect. I would like to apply interview-schedule in future, as it is more comprehensive in understanding the motifs of the respondents with the help of gestures, body language, voice tone and face expressions. The patient’s non-compliance and fear of expressing her belief was the challenge for me during the research. Somehow, a friendly environment encouraged her to share her feelings with me. Since I am Protestant, so only lack of knowledge about only few things created hurdles for me, though my study of Catholic belief and interaction with my Catholic friends helped me out in development of research too. The patient informed me that she belonged to Catholic faith, and maintained deep love for and unflinching faith in Holy Jesus Christ. I came to know about the very fact that faith contained imperative significance for her, as it not only provided peace,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leading in Modern Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leading in Modern Organisations - Essay Example al leaders, for instance, operate within the cultures of their organisations conforming to current standards, regulations, and guidelines; on the other hand, transformational leaders transform their culture by learning it and afterward restructuring it with a fresh goal and a transformation of its collective norms, beliefs, and principles. Successful organisations nowadays necessitate leaders’ strategic and calculated judgment, and ability to develop a culture. Strategic judgment facilitates the formation and growth of an image of an organisation’s prospect. The goal can materialize and progress as the leader builds a culture that is committed to strengthening that goal (Kouzes & Posner 2007). The organisational culture is the context within which the goal occurs. Consequently, the goal may establish as well the features of the organisational culture. Transformational leaders have been distinguished by independent traits referred to as transformational leadershipâ€℠¢s 4 Is (Northouse 2010). These four elements involve (1) individualised consideration, (2) intellectual stimulation, (3) inspirational motivation, and (4) idealised influence (Northouse 2010, 176-180). Transformational leaders incorporate ingenious thinking, determination and force, perception and understanding into the necessities of other people to build the foundation for a strategy-oriented culture for their organisations. On the contrary, transactional leaders are distinguished by conditional incentive (Bass 1990). Basically, transactional leaders facilitate transactions or arrangements with their subordinates, specifying what the subordinates will gain if they perform well or commit mistakes. They operate within the current culture, orienting their judgments and behaviours based on the existing... This essay stresses that the ideas of a leader thus serve an integral function in building not just the prospect for him/herself, but also the future for the organisation. Organisational culture emerges mostly from its leadership at the same time as organisational culture can also influence the growth of its leadership. Successful organisations nowadays necessitate leaders’ strategic and calculated judgment, and ability to develop a culture. Strategic judgment facilitates the formation and growth of an image of an organisation’s prospect. This paper makes a conclusion that leading modern organisations requires much more than the ability to raise positive thoughts and feelings among followers, even though this is an integral component. Moreover, it is much more than guiding the organisation, even though this, as well, is important. While the practices or outcomes demanded of organisations become more flexible and less predetermined, leadership turns out to be more and more complicated because another point of reference or approach is needed. Leaders of modern organisations should be focused on forming and steering dynamic mechanisms of measures, judgments, and actions. The training of leaders who have the required abilities may be a challenging mission, but still achievable. What seems to be needed is acknowledgment of leadership’s organisational function and structure of training and development programmes purposely adjusted to that function.

Elizabethan society Essay Example for Free

Elizabethan society Essay In early Elizabethan society, acting was not considered a mainstream professional while college drama and craft guilds alone were acceptable. During Shakespeare’s era, the English aristocrats were the patrons of theatrical forms of art. Since acting in theaters had not become professional and actors were often moving from place to another in search of opportunities, they were considered to be vagabonds. To prevent actors from being arrested, theater fans such as Lord Chamberlain brought actors under their protection in the 1560s. Hence, performances in the theater mainly catered to the tastes of the art-loving aristocrats in Elizabethan society. According to the theatrical world, â€Å"Shakespeare’s livelihood and the stunning artistic explosion in which he participated depended on pragmatic and architectural effort† (Merchant of Venice ix). Since his plays’ themes centered on existentialism, they were considered to be revolutionary during that period of time. Existentialism is a philosophy that believes that human existence is inexplicable and holds man responsible for his actions. This school of thought might have appealed to liberals in the Elizabethan society that did completely agree with the Church’s dogmatic view of life. Hence, Shakespeare’s plays mostly drifted around ideas of pragmatism and were often staged quite artistically. The amphitheaters built to showcase plays were very elegant and a testament to architectural excellence. Hamlet declares that he would kill Claudius to seek revenge for his father, when the ghost of his dead father appears before him and says that Claudius is the murder. He first delays avenging his father’s death as he convinces himself that he is seeking concrete proof to ensure that Claudius is the real murderer behind old Hamlet’s murder. Since Hamlet is never actually driven by a natural instinct to seek revenge, he is tormented by guilt for still not avenging the person responsible for his father’s death. When he gets a chance to kill Claudius during a prayer, Hamlet says â€Å"so a goes to heaven† and turns down the opportunity (act iii scene iii). Finally, he also tries to reason with himself whether the ghost was real or a figment of his imagination. Hamlet has intense love for his mother Gertrude, but feels scared and guilty of his feelings towards his mother since the society despises incestuous love. Hence, Hamlet hesitates to kill Claudius who is Gertrude’s newlywed husband and the only force preventing Hamlet from expressing his true feelings. This depicts Hamlet’s inner battles with his conscience, as he ponders whether to kill Claudius or not. The brash and immature traits of Hamlet suggest that he is no more than twenty years of age. Hamlet’s indication that he wants to go back to Wittenberg as a student and the fact that he was not considered for being crowned the new King after his father’s murder reiterate this assumption. However, at the end of the play, the gravedigger clown tells Hamlet that he has been there since the day young Hamlet was born. When Hamlet asks him how long the clown had been there, the gravedigger clown replies â€Å"I have been sexton here, man and boy, thirty years† (act v scene i). Hence, this suggests that Hamlet is thirty years old when he dies in the end. The four major characters killed at the end of the play are Laertes, Gertrude, Hamlet and Claudius. Laertes, Lord Polonius’s son and Ophelia’s brother, challenges Hamlet to fight a friendly sword duel. But, he is actually ordered by the King Claudius to kill Hamlet and Laertes accepts the job to please the King. Laertes yells â€Å"I am justly kill’d with my own treachery† when Hamlet kills him with his own poisoned-tipped sword (act v scene ii). This indicates that Laertes tries to seek false glory and finally ends up paying a price for it. Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude mistakenly drinks the poisoned wine meant for Hamlet and dies. Hamlet kills Claudius for being responsible for poisoning his mother. Claudius, owing to his greed for the throne and lust for Gertrude, had killed old Hamlet and was responsible for the tragic situation. Hamlet finally avenges the death of his father and is justified in killing Claudius since he is not driven by blind rage or intent to seek revenge. Hamlet also dies as Laertes before dying had wounded him with his poisoned sword. However, Hamlet’s role in the eventual tragic end cannot be denied. Hence, Gertrude is the least responsible for the tragic situation since she did not conspire to kill or trick anyone, but was merely a victim of Claudius’ evil plans. Fortinbras, the King of Norway, enters the tragic scene and recognizes Hamlet as an honorable man after hearing about his story. Hamlet, before dying tells Horatio that he wishs Fortinbras to be the new King of Denmark. Hamlet, even in his dying moments, is concerned about the future of his country and learns to embrace death. Hamlet, initially perceived to be unruly, matures as a person and advices Horatio not to take his own life in the end. Fortinbras orders his men to honor Hamlet by saying â€Å"let four captains bear Hamlet like a soldier† on a raised platform and pay all the respects given to a true soldier (act v scene ii). Fortinbras also speaks of Hamlet’s virtues and says that Hamlet had potential to a good ruler if he had been â€Å"put on† as the King. The phrase â€Å"put on† is meant to signify the ambiguity of human nature and that we all don on costumes to signify who are. Our habits are like the like costumes that we put on and shape us into we who want to be. Our choices are always susceptible to doubt, but we â€Å"put on† an aura of certainty while suppressing the internal conflicts that go on inside our minds and this reemphasizes the existential nature of Hamlet. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Ed. Braunmuller, A. R. Penguin Classics, 2000. ix-xii. Shakespeare, William. Hamlet.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Deep-sea Anglerfish Reproduction

Deep-sea Anglerfish Reproduction Natures Example of a Total Reduction in the Role of Males: A Review on Deep-sea Anglerfish Reproduction Introduction The Deep Ocean Waters that cover ocean basins constitute the largest living space on earth. This immense environment is home to the largest animal communities on the planet-largest in terms of biomass, numbers of individuals, and area extent (Robison, 2004). Despite its obvious significance to the biosphere, the oceans deep interior remains an unexplored frontier. Although physical and chemical properties of oceanic water vary greatly within the upper kilometer, at greater depths these properties remain relatively constant (Robison, 2004). The deep pelagic habitat is a vast volume of cold, dark water where food is scarce and bioluminescence is the principal source of light and communication. Physical Appearance Anglerfish belong to the order Lophiiformes. Named after their unique mode of predation, in which they use a fleshy outgrowth sprouting from the middle of their head to attract prey, much like a fishing lure. This act is similar to the act of angling, thus the name anglerfish. Deep sea anglerfish has a vicious appearance; however they are not too big in size. They have earned the name common black devil due to their unsightly features. They have a large mouth with sharp, fang-like teeth. They can reach to about 12cm in length (Bora, 2010). Their bodies are globular and they are not adapted for sustained rapid swimming, these are designed for remaining motionless most of the time (different reference). Their body color ranges from dark gray, brown, or black. Their skin reflects blue light, which helps them remain invisible to other deep sea creatures, as most of them emit blue light. Their bodies are fragile and have no scales. In fact, their thin skin can slip off their bodies whenever touched by human hands when they are retrieved from deep sea nets. Their muscles are flabby and they have weak skeletons. Their C-shaped gill slits are very small and are placed below the pectorals (different reference). The eyes of the deep sea anglerfish are too small. They possess one or more long filaments that spring from the center of its head. These so-called filaments are modified spines of the anterior dorsal fin. The longest filament is usually the first spine, or the illicium, which protrudes above the eyes and terminates in an irregular mass of flesh at the tip of the spine, the esca. This filament, which serves as a lure, can be moved back and forth (Bora, 2010). Predation In the deep ocean, food is rare and unpredictable compared to the more reliably available food in the open water. Thus, deep sea animals develop certain strategies to find food and ways of eating whatever food they may encounter with as little effort as possible. Most of the deep sea animals prefer to wait for the arrival of their prey or food particles rather than searching actively for them. Moreover, most of these animals are not selective in their diet and cope up with amazingly large prey (Bora, 2010). Female anglerfish are the classic lurk-and-lure predators. They have a huge mouth and their teeth are large compared to their body size. They rely on their luminous lure to attract their prey instead of searching actively for them. Moreover, these animals can accommodate very large prey through their expandable jaws, which can open up twice as wide, and elastic stomach, which allows them to eat any prey available (Bora, 2010). Their most amazing feature is their bioluminescent lure. The lure of deep sea anglerfish are more elaborate compared to shallow water species, since these are used to attract prey in the dark. These lures are modified dorsal fins and bioluminescence is caused by bacteria, which produce a bluish, greenish light (Bora, 2010). The light and movement of the lure attract the prey to within reach of the gaping jaws. The anglerfish Cryptopsaras can slide the rod part of the apparatus back into a groove, drawing the lure and prey closer to the mouth. It can rotate the lure tip and produce a flash from it as well as a glow. All this is controlled by enzymes and the contraction of chromatophores. These lures have sensory filaments, papillae, light pipes, and shutters. The lures of deep sea anglerfishes are extraordinary elaborate, with sensory filaments, papillae, light pipes and shutters. It may be that different species mimic different kinds of small prey like shrimps to attract larger prey. One anglerfish (Caulophryne) has a lure ornamented with many filaments but it is not luminous. An other (Linophryne) has not only a luminous lure on the head but also a multibranched barbel hanging from the lower jay. The barbel filaments contain many more bioluminescent organs. Some position their lure inside their mouths. Some deep sea anglerfish have positioned their lure inside the mouth. The wolftrapangler Thaumatichthys axeli is a sit-and-wait ambush predator with a luminescent lure hanging from the roof of his overshot mouth, which is fringed with hooked sharp teeth. This anglerfish hovers just above the substrate (not sitting on it). To attract in prey, it waves its lure back and forth till the prey comes closer to its mouth. There is a specialized spine attached to the lure, which can be moved in any direction. When the prey touches the mouth, the esca, which is connected with the mouth reflex, causes the anglerfish to instantly snap the prey with its powerful jaw and swallow it. Moreover, the teeth of the prey are bent inwards so as to prevent the prey from escaping once it enters the mouth. They can take in prey twice their size due to their thin and flexible bones causing the jaw and stomach to extend to an incredible size (Singha, 2010). Reproductive biology Sexual Dimorphism Sexual dimorphism describes animals where there is a physical difference between males and females of the same species (BBC). In most species the female deep sea anglerfish is much larger than the male anglerfish, actually they are real dwarfs compared with their mate. For example the largest females of the genus Gigantactis grow to 40cm in length, whereas the largest males only grow to 2cm. Unlike their sluggish partners they have muscular bodies for active swimming. For many years fish biologists were very confused by these differences and misidentified male and female anglers as completely different species (Zubi, 2010). Sexual Maturity The male deep sea anglerfish mature sexually soon after reaching metamorphosis, in females it takes a much longer time (Zubi, 2010). Extremely young parasitized females of Cryptopsaras couesii indicate that females of this species are able to elicit a search response in a conspecific male, as well as provide cues for specific identification by the male at a very early age (Pietsch, 2005). Sexual Parasitism In sexual parasitism, the dwarfed males become permanently attached to much larger females. This is a remarkable mode of reproduction unique to some members of the deep sea anglerfish suborder Ceratioidei (Pietsch, 2005). There is no mechanism that prevents additional males from becoming attached to a previously parasitized female, but Linoohryne (and perhaps Caulophryne), in which multiple attachments have so far not been found, might be a nexception to this rule. Multiple attachment is rare in Ceratias and Borophryne (only a single record of two males in each case), but common in Cryptopsaras and Haplophtyne, which are known to have as many as eight and six males, respectively (Pietsch, 2005). Males are almost invariably attached upside down and facing forward with respect to the female, and almost always on the ventral midline of the belly of the female, somewhat anterior to the anus; exceptions include those of Cryptopsaras, Haplophryne, and Photocorynus, which may be found almost anywhere on the head and body, and oriented in any direction (Pietsch, 2005). Six of the seven known parasitically attached males of Neoceratias spinifer lack openings to the pharynx leading to the gills and opercular openings, which are present in the area of attachment of nearly all previously described examples of attached males (exceptions include several attached males of Haplophryne mollis). The gills of these Neoceratias males, however, are as well developed as those of free-living males of other ceratioid families, indicating that sufficient oxygen is probably not available via the blood of the female and that this gas is extracted by water that is pumped in and out through the opercular openings (Pietsch, 2005). A dual mechanism for mate location and speciesspecific selection probably functions in most ceratioids, in which both eyes and olfactory structures of the freeliving males are well developed, but it is highly unlikely to function in the ceratiid genera Ceratias and Cryptopsaras, in which the nostrils are surprisingly small and undeveloped, and in Centrophryne and the gigantactinid genera Gigantactis and Rhynchactis, in which the eyes are very much reduced. The mechanism by which males of Neoceratias (in which the eyes and nostrils are especially small and degenerate) find females (which apparently lack bioluminescent structures) remains a mystery (Pietsch, 2005). Modes of Reproduction Temporary nonparasitic: Melanocetus johnsonii and Melanocetus murrayi Males of the Melanocetidae, Himantolophidae, Diceratiidae, Gigantactinidae, and several of the better known oneirodid genera (for example, Oneirodes, Microlophichthys, Dolopichthys, Chaenophryne, and Lophodolos, each now known from well over 50 females), probably never become parasitic. Spawning and fertilization may take place during a temporary sexual attachment that does not involve fusion of male and female tissues (Pietsch, 2005). The parasitic mode of reproduction is apparently obligatory in Ceratias, Cryptopsaras, Borophryne, Haplophryne, and Linophryne, and, although sufficient data are lacking to say for certain, probably in Neoceratias as well. Males of those taxa in which sexual parasitism is obligatory apparently never mature unless they are in parasitic association with a female, and, likewise, females never become gravid until stimulated by the permanent parasitic attachment of a male. That sexual maturity is determined not by size or age in these fishes, but by parasitic sexual association, may well be unique among animals (Pietsch, 2005). Among those taxa in which parasitism seems to be obligatory, the number of parasitized females in collections around the world is surprisingly small compared to the total number of known specimens: about 6% in Cryptopsaras, 11% in Ceratias, 16% in Photocorynus, 33% in Haplophryne, and 40% in Borophryne (Pietsch, 2005). Sexual parasitism is probably facultative in Caulophryne and in the oneirodid genera Bertella and Leptacanthichthys (Pietsch, 2005). The remaining ceratioid families, Thaumatichthyidae and Centrophrynidae, are still so poorly known that little can now be concluded concerning their mode of reproduction (Pietsch, 2005). Reproductive Cycle The deep sea is a vast area and with a small number of animals spread thinly in such an area, it can be difficult to find a mate. Thus, deep sea anglerfish have devised a way through the process of evolution, to continue the propagation of their species through sexual parasitism (Zubi, 2010). Once a male anglerfish is born it directly searches out for a female. Male anglerfish probably do not feed due to the lack of a bioluminescent lure. Instead their eyes and olfactory organs are large (Zubi, 2010). Once the male anglerfish finds a female, he will attach himself to her body usually by biting her belly. Once attached, the teeth and jaws draw back and the skin and blood systems of the male and female merge. Now the male becomes a parasite to the female, not needing to find food for him. Thus, the intestine regress and the only important organ within the male is his large testis. This time the female has a guaranteed supply of sperms while the male relies on the female for food and living (?). It is the female who probably controls the sperm delivery via her hormones, therefore, it is connected with the moment she ejects her eggs from her body. The fertilized eggs contain large oil droplets for buoyancy for floating to the surface of the ocean (Zubi, 2010). As soon as the male detects the presence of a female in his vicinity, he bites or latches onto her with his sharp teeth. Thereafter, the male releases an enzyme that works to digest the body of the female and the skin of the males mouth. Overtime, this process goes on to a physical fusion of the pair down to the blood-vessel level. Then begins the process of the male undergoing atrophy or degeneration. Meaning, the male starts losing his digestive organs, its brain, heart, eyes and all other internal organs, until he is left only with his pair of testicles. These testicles are used to release sperm in response to the females hormones indicating egg release. In this way, about 6 male angler fishes can be borne by a single female, throughout its life time, providing her a lifetime supply of sperm for fertilization (Singha, 2010). The female anglerfish can carry up to six males on her body. This bizarre method of reproduction makes sure that when the female is ready to spawn, she does not have to look for the male, as he is already available. After fertilization, the female lay the eggs in a thin sheet of transparent gelatinous material, which can be 2 to3 feet wide and about 25 to 30 feet long. This sheet with the eggs floats in the sea, till the eggs hatch into larvae. The larvae usually feed on the surface of the sea, until they mature (Bora, 2010).